The Darmstädter family migrated to Frankfurt from Darmstadt with Menasse of Darmstadt in 1662 and settled in the Goldener Brunnen. Menasse was an important court factor. His particular significance for Frankfurt is as the founding benefactor of the yeshiva at the Warmes Bad. His descendants were also important figures. His son Löb Darmstädter married a daughter of the extensive and wealthy Kann family. He had a large money changing and money lending business. At his death, his assets amounted to over 350,000 guilders, an enormous sum for the period. However, a large part of this consisted of debts owed by foreign princely families. These apparently could not be recovered because of the unreliability of princes in matters of repayment, so that Herz Löb Darmstädter's heirs lost a large portion of this fortune. His son spent a long period in Vienna in connection with legal actions to recover funds from his father's debtors. In 1740 he returned to live in the family home, the Goldener Brunnen, marrying a daughter of the wealthy Goldschmidt family.