House Goldener Brunnen

Width at front: c. 3.98 metres
The Goldener Brunnen was built in 1595. The historian Alexander Dietz described it as one of the "best" houses", referring to the wealth and status that the house's occupants enjoyed in the Judengasse. The builder of the house, Samuel Günzburg, lived at the start of the 17th century and was one of the highest tax payers among the Frankfurt Jews. A later occupant of the house was Manasse Darmstädter, who acquired right of residence in Frankfurt in 1662, together with his family. He was also one of the highest tax payers. Manasse Darmstädter is particularly important in the history of the Frankfurt Jews as the founder of a Jewish yeshiva, known as the Klause at the Warmes Bad. His gravestone praises him as "wealthy and distinguished". His foundation was maintained primarily by the rich and powerful Kann family, which was related by marriage to Manasse's family through one of their daughters. In the great fires in the Judengasse in 1711, 1721 and 1796 the house was destroyed three times. It was rebuilt after the first two fires, but after the 1796 fire it was decided to redevelop the entire northern end of the Judengasse on spacious lines, in the course of which the house disappeared finally.