RESURRECTION GAMES VOL. II: To Paint over and to make sense

Part I: Music theatre by Elisha Kaminer, Mayah Kadish, Joseph Havlat and Alex Paxton on March 23rd, 2024 Part II: Concert by Elisha Kaminer and Alex Paxton on March 24th, 2024

13 June 2024

Part I

A high-energy concert happening in two parts for trombone, piano, synthesiser, violin and voice. In Part I, arias, medleys and improvisations search for an art of playing and mourning together in a wounded world.

By and with: Mayah Kadish, Joseph Havlat and Alex Paxton


(all photos: Stefanie Kösling)

Part II

Concert by Elischa Kaminer + Alex Paxton

A journey through queer pop, improvised and Yiddish music. Part II remembers old songs and traces what tenderness can still be found in today's ruins and clouds of smoke.