Mapping Memories - All together NOW

Review of the festival

10 May 2024 Tanja Neumann

‘Mapping Memories - All together NOW’ was the third and, for the time being, last festival as part of METAhub Frankfurt, an interdisciplinary cooperation project between the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, the Archaeological Museum Frankfurt and the Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm. It connected two places whose Jewish history was forcibly displaced from today's urban space - Börneplatz and Judengasse - and invited visitors to engage with Jewish culture from multiple perspectives.


The opening took place on the evening of 21 March 2024 - first as an internal celebration of the project participants in the historic vaulted cellar ‘Goldener Apfel’, and then in the Mousonturm.

(1) all photos: Stefanie Kösling
(2) Prof. Dr Mirjam Wenzel (Director, Jewish Museum Frankfurt), Dr Wolfgang David (Director, Archaeological Museum Frankfurt) and Marcus Droß (Director and Managing Director, Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm) welcome you to the opening.
(3) Special thanks go to the sponsors who made the project possible: the German Federal Cultural Foundation, the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain, the Aventis Foundation and the Department of Culture and Science of the City of Frankfurt am Main.
(4) Flowers for the team: Marion Rossi and Tanja Neumann (f.l.t.r.), who managed the project throughout its duration
(5) Christina Lutz (right), artistic project manager of METAhub at Mousonturm since 2023
(6) Jeanne Charlotte Vogt (centre), 2021-2022 Artistic Project Director and representative of the NODE Forum for Digital Culture
(7) Aleksandar Dojcinovic, technical production manager (Mousonturm)
(8) Antje Steckhan, architect (Wandel Lorch Götze Wach)
(9) Maximilian Zahn (dramaturge, Mousonturm) introduces the participants of the panel discussion
(10) f.l.t.r.: Jeanne Charlotte Vogt (NODE), Elischa Kaminer, Ole Frahm (LIGNA), Moritz von Rappard
(11) The evening continued at the Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm with the ‘Secret Salon’
(12) Guest at the Mousonturm: Ryskinder

Artistic interventions

Discussion programm

Masking Memories - Purim Party with Ariel Ashbel & Friends

Almost two years after Ariel Ashbel made up for his bar mitzvah as part of METAhub, he and his friends provided the atmosphere for the project's grand finale at a Purim party in the Jewish Museum.

Every year on Purim, Jews remember their escape from an impending pogrom during the first exile in the Persian Empire. This should be celebrated! In keeping with Jewish tradition, on the last evening of the festival, we also turned the world upside down under the motto ‘Masking Memories’, with costumes, music, dance, and performances by Ariel Ashbel & Friends.

(13) Anna von Glasenapp provided the right atmosphere as DJ
(14) Ariel Ashbel


A festival as part of METAhub Frankfurt, a cooperation project between the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, the Archaeological Museum Frankfurt and the Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm. The project's digital partner is NODE Verein zur Förderung digitaler Kultur e.V.

Directors, artistic directors:

Dr. Wolfgang David

Marcus Droß, Anna Wagner

Prof. Dr. Mirjam Wenzel

Project managers:

Christina Lutz

Tanja Neumann

Marion Rossi

Curators, mediators, dramaturges:

Dr. Liane Giemsch

Katja Janitschek

Michael Lenarz

Maria Meßner

Sophie Schmidt

Sara Soussan

Sonja Thäder

Roman Zabolotnîi

Maximilian Zahn


Ariel Ashbel and friends

Ethan Braun

Helgard Haug (Rimini Protokoll) und

Moritz von Rappard

Elischa Kaminer


Anna Lublina


Korbinian Böck

Rivka Kibel

Holger Kieburg

Christoph Meyer

Gabriele Müller

Sara Nasraty

Katharina Scheuermann

Project assistance:

Robert Steiner

Communication design:

Markwald Neusitzer Identity

Programming and Design Virtual Reality:

Dr.-Ing. Marc Grellert, Architectura virtualis

Open Educational Resources:

Henning Gutfleisch

Alexander Schlepper

Sophie Schmidt

mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Fritz-Bauer-Instituts durch Martin Liepach

Technical production management:

Aleksandar Dojcinovic

METAhub Frankfurt is funded by the Kultur Digital programme of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain and the Department of Culture and Science of the City of Frankfurt am Main.

Unboxing Past is realised with the kind support of experimente#digital, a cultural initiative of the Aventis Foundation.