Jakob Hoffmann

Jakob Hoffmann was orthodox rabbi of the Jewish community and succeeded Nechemja Anton Nobel.Hoffmann was born in Hungary in 1881, and studied philosophy in Vienna. He was ordained as a rabbi in 1908, and gained his doctorate in 1919.
He was a rabbi in Vienna, Kostel
(Czechoslovakia), and Radautz (Rumania) before being called to the Börneplatz synagogue in Frankfurt in 1922. He established a yeshiva and was a leading activist in the Zionist Misrachi organisation. In 1937 he was arrested by the Gestapo and deported as an enemy of the state. He emigrated to the USA and became a rabbi in New York. In 1952 he emigrated to Israel and died there the same year.
He published many works, including learned commentaries on parts of the Talmud and articles on questions of religious philosophy.