
The Buchsbaum family migrated to Frankfurt from Nuremberg when the Jews were expelled in 1499. They derived their family name from the house where they lived, the Buchsbaum. The founder of the family, Beer Buchsbaum, lived to great age and was a person of high repute. He was a civic benefactor, played a part in the Pfefferkorn Book Confiscation, was "master builder" of the community, and ran a drapery in partnership with others. Through his daughter's marriage to Slom von Bingen, he became a key figure in the Haas, Kann, Stern, Beer and other families who were of major significance in the history of the Frankfurt Jews. Male descendants mostly entered neighbouring houses, such as the Birnbaum, and adopted the family names. The family also produced individuals of high repute: doctors, scholars, "master builders". Records of the Buchsbaum family exist up till the 19th century.