The Synagogue at Börneplatz

04 September 2021

Historical Pictures

The existing photographic material was the only evidence that gave an impression of the building from the inside and outside until the rediscovery of the fragments.

(1) Drawing of Börneplatz Synagogue from southwest, 1891
(2) Ruin of the synagogue at Börneplatz from southeast, Jan./Feb. 1939

Since the end of 2019, the Archaeological Museum Frankfurt has been scientifically processing the find inventory comprising more than 500 find boxes as well as several pallets with architectural parts from the excavations of the years 1987 to 1990 at Börneplatz. They will be made available to the public in digital form as part of the METAhub Frankfurt cooperation project.


1882 - Dedication of the synagogue

Built according to the plans of architect Siegfried Kuznitzky (1845-1922), the house of worship on Börneplatz (until 1885 Judenmarkt, from 1935 to 1978 Dominikanerplatz) was solemnly consecrated on September 12, 1882 as the new synagogue of the Orthodox congregation. It was also called Horowitz Synagogue or New Community Synagogue.

1901 - Completion of the extension of the synagogue

Around the turn of the century, the synagogue was rebuilt and enlarged by the architect Fritz Epstein. Now it offered space for 1,300 worshippers. On September 8, 1901, it was solemnly rededicated by Rabbi Dr. Markus Horovitz.

1932 - Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the synagogue

1938 - Destruction of the synagogue

by arson on the morning of November 10 by units of the SA on the orders of the NSDAP leadership.

1939 - Demolition of the ruins of the synagogue

down to the foundation walls by order of the Frankfurt city administration. The cellar ceilings and vaults are knocked down.

1953/54 - Destruction of the western foundations and foundation walls of the synagogue and the basement

during the construction of the Blumengroßmarkthalle (demolished again in 1985).

1987 - Börneplatz conflict

Archaeological excavations of the Museum of Prehistory and Early History (from 2002 Archaeological Museum Frankfurt) accompany the new construction of the municipal utility in the area of Börneplatz. During the excavation work, the western foundations of the synagogue, which was demolished in 1939, are destroyed and the foundations of the baroque buildings of the former Judengasse are uncovered. Highlight of the public conflict over the structural design of Börneplatz.

1990 - Exposure of the foundations

In an excavation, the remaining foundations of the synagogue are uncovered, documented and numerous components are recovered.

2020 - Start of inventorying, scientific indexing and digitization

of the soil finds stored in the depot of the Archaeological Museum in Borsigallee from the excavations of 1987 to 1990 at Börneplatz as part of the METAhub project.