Width at front: c. 13.4 metres
The meat market, which was also the abattoir of the Jewish community, was located on a relatively large plot to the south of and outside the Judengasse. The abattoir and two markets had stood there since 1628. These buildings were used for ritual slaughter by the shochetim, supplying the Jews in the Judengasse with kosher meat. One part of the complex, called the Haus zum Rad, were dwellings for butchers. The entire complex had a frontal width of c. 13.4 metres, much larger than the houses in the Judengasse. The building was owned by the community. There was another abattoir for poultry outside the Judengasse, at the edge of the Jewish cemetery to the east. In the great fire of 1711 the abattoir and the meat markets also burned down. They were not rebuilt on this site but moved to a site outside the Judengasse on the opposite side.