House Weiße Taube

Width at front: c. 3.60 metres

The Weiße Taube was built in 1531 on a plot which had been split off from the neighbouring Kanne. It was nevertheless large enough to be subdivided later to create other houses. The house was occupied by families of no particular prominence in the Jewish community or commercial life among the Frankfurt Jews. One of these families took the house name as its family name, Taub. The family died out before the dissolution of the Frankfurt ghetto. The social status of the occupants appears to have been very varies. Around 1700 the occupants included not only moneychangers and moneylenders and wholesalers, but also small shopkeepers, schoolmasters and solitary widows with no occupation. In the great fires in the Judengasse in 1711, 1721 and 1796 the house was destroyed three times. It was rebuilt after the first two fires, but after the 1796 fire it was decided to redevelop the entire northern end of the Judengasse on spacious lines, in the course of which the house disappeared finally.