House Grüne Traube

Width at front: c. 2.5 metres
The Traube was originally a very large house with a width of 7.7 metres, built for the surgeon Oscher from Wimpfen. In the 16th century two famous Frankfurt scholars lived here, the teacher Jakob from Prague with his sone, the even more famous Akiwa Frankfurter (R006). The two used the house as a temporary residence: they had previously lived in the Flasche and later moved into the Heppe.
In 1599 the house was demolished. Three new and very narrow houses were built on the site, each of them only c. 2.5 metres wide. They were named the Grüne (Goldene) Traube, Rote Traube and Goldenes Faß. At the end of the 17th century the Grüne Traube was occupied by two families, one of them engaged in moneylending and moneychanging and the other consisting of a couple with four children, all classed as foreigners. The head of this family came from Worms and worked as a scribe for a member of the Oppenheimer family. The house was destroyed in the fire of 1711 but soon rebuilt. In 1864 the city took over the house for demolition.