House Goldene Scheuer

Width at front: c. 6 metres
The Goldene Scheuer was built in 1533 by Wolf Auerbach from Schwalbach. The site had previously been occupied by a barn ("Scheune") belonging to the Weiße Rose. This was the origin of the house name of the Goldene Scheuer. Its house sign showed a barn. Ultimately, one of the families who occupied the house later took its name as their family name. Its frontal width of c. 6 metres was relatively large, and according to the historian Alexander Dietz it was one of the largest and most beautiful houses in the Judengasse. to the rear, however, it had much less room than other houses, as the plot was curtailed to the rear by the house of Councillor Hartmann, which was not part of the ghetto but projected into the Judengasse area at this point. In the great fires in the Judengasse in 1711, 1721 and 1796 the house was destroyed three times. It was rebuilt after the first two fires, but after the 1796 fire it was decided to redevelop the entire northern end of the Judengasse on spacious lines, in the course of which the house disappeared finally.At the beginning of the 19th century the offices of the Rothschild bank were built on its site. Between 1922 and its destruction in the pogrom of the night of 9 November 1938 ("Kristallnacht") it was the site of the earlier Jewish Museum.