House Gelber Ring

Width at front: c. 4.3 metres
The Gelber Ring was built around 1573. It was part of the Schwarzer Ring, which was built in the period 146062 during the creation of the Judengasse. Following the expulsion from the city of the occupants of the Schwarzer Ring for certain crimes in 1570, the Schwarzer Ring lost its house sign and was divided into two houses, the Gelber Ring and the Rost. The Gelber Ring was the family home of the Fuchs family, and its members lived here until the mid18th century. For generations the fathers of the family worked as cantors. The Hebrew term for this, chasan, became their family name. The founder of this family, Joel Chasan, was praised on his gravestone as "a prince of learning, familiar with all areas of Jewish knowledge, upright in his judgment". The house was destroyed in the fire of 1711 but soon rebuilt. In 1875 the city took it over for demolition.