House Flasche

Width at front: c. 3.9 metres

The Flasche was built around 1530 for the schoolteachrer Jakob from Prague. It was part of a row of buildings erected in what had previously been an undeveloped gap in the Judengasse. This row also included the neighbouring house of the gravedigger Krug, later known as the Goldener Strauß, the Spiegel and the Korb on the opposite (west) side of the street. In 1583 the Flasche was subdivided to create the neighbouring Mohr. Akiwa Frankfurter, the son of the teacher Jakob, lived first in the Flasche and was a famous scholar. From the Flasche he moved to the Traube and then to the Heppe. Records show the occupants of the Flasche continued to be community servants for a long time. The family name Flesch derives from this house, which was also occupied by members of the Hatten, Goldschmidt and Hirsch families. The house was destroyed in the fire of 1711 but soon rebuilt. In 1865 the city took it over for demolition.