House Bunte Kanne

Width at front: c. 7.70 metres
The Bunte Kanne was built in 1515. At first it was given the house name Stern. In 1644 Samuel Kann, a member of the rich and powerful Kann family, bought the house, and it was renamed Bunte Kanne. It was quite normal in the Judengasse for occupants of houses to take the house name as their family name. In this case the process was reversed: the house was named after its new owner, Kann. Samuel Kann had the house rebuilt in 1655. With its frontal width of c. 7.70 metres it was one of the largest and most beautiful houses in the Judengasse. The occupants over the following decades were mostly members of the related Kann and Stern families. They were prosperous occupants of the Judengasse. Around 1700 they were involved in moneylending and moneychanging and dealing in jewels. In the great fires in the Judengasse in 1711, 1721 and 1796 the house was destroyed three times. It was rebuilt after the first two fires, but after the 1796 fire it was decided to redevelop the entire northern end of the Judengasse on spacious lines, in the course of which the house disappeared finally.